Tallangatta Expo

25th Annual Tallangatta Farming Expo
Expo Homepage
The Landcare Pavillion
Mitta Valley Landcare Group & the M2M Blackberry Action Group did a great job setting up the displays

Inside the Landcare Pavilion
Landcare films were on loop throughout the day

Mitta to Murray Blackberry Action Group
The M2M Blackberry Action Group is working hard to introduce new blackberry biocontrol agents in the continued war against blackberries

Gorse Spider Mite biocontrol
Gorse spider mites pierce individual cell walls of gorse foliage and extract the contents. This causes the foliage to appear bleached or brown. Extensive feeding pressure kills shoots, reduces plant growth and aborts the production of flowers.

Biocontrol Kings
Jim, John & Simon

Weed ID Quiz
Simon had us scratching our heads trying to identify over 25 weeds

Nestbox Display
Different box types are used for different species, including bats,birds and marsupials. The boxes provide much-needed "artificial hollows" for threatened species such as the squirrel glider.

Rowan doing the "Meet & Greet"
Visitors to the Pavilion had the chance to win a lucky door prize

Tiny Talks
Topics included: Farm Safety, Biocontrol of pest & weeds and Soil Fertility

Dung beetle display
Dung beetles proved to be very popular

Even a table for the kids

Lucky Door Prize Winners
It was grins all round for this young Expo visitor and her family