Baranduda Landcare
Our Facebook site is a good way to get an overview of the group's activities:
‘Like’ the Page to get the update posts
Baranduda Landcare is part of the Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups (KCLG) network of 6 groups
The KCLG website: is the primary site for Landcare membership for all groups in the network including BLCare
We extend an invitation to you to join Baranduda Landcare
The cost is $25 per year for an individual or family membership
You can join by accessing this link
Or from the Home Page Menu click on Membership menu item then Join KCLG
Note there are 1 to 5 year payment options
If you select Baranduda as the group you wish to be aligned with new BLCare members are entitled to a (free):
• BLCare metal farm / house gate sign
• BLCare cap and broad-brimmed hat (Glen Johnson can provide further details re: colours and sizes) – please advise if you join up.
There is more info about this offer here
Preferred payment option is online (both Paypal and Credit Card are supported)
You can also pay by electronic funds transfer - choose the Offline payment option and EFT details will be presented or you can find the BSB info here
There's heaps more information on BLCare pages on the same website:
Scroll / arrow through to view information on projects and promotional videos etc
Here is the Baranduda Revegetation Guide
Coming Soon!
Content includes Birds, Native Grasses, Weeds
Please contact me if you have any queries.
Cheers, Glen Johnson & Tony Marsh
Baranduda Landcare Secretary & KCLG Membership Coordinator
0418 501936 0417 687 842