Upper Kiewa Landcare Projects
About Upper Kiewa
Upper Kiewa Landcare members John Gibbons, Ronnie and Steve McDowell with Gardening Australia Jane Edmonson on Junction Creek walking trail, 2021
Upper Kiewa Landcare Group is based in Mount Beauty in North-East Victoria and sits under the Kiewa Catchment Landcare Network.
Partnershps With Upper Kiewa Landcare
- Alpine Shire Council
- Mount Beauty Secondary College
- Mount Beauty Primary School
- National Parks
- Ausnet Services
- Upper Kiewa Community Association
- Fifteen Trees organisation
- Beechworth Prison Landmate Crews
- Bogong Outdoor Education Camp
Upper Kiewa Landcare Projects
The group has been in operation since 2009 and is currently working on approximately 7 hectares of riparian land across five current project sites around the Mount Beauty Township including:
- Rockpool project, East Kiewa River
- Junction Creek Gully project
- Kiewa River (Pebble Beach) Walking Trail, West Kiewa River
- Open Spaces Project, West Kiewa River
- Simmonds Creek/West Kiewa River junction project
More About Upper Kiewa Landcare
At these sites the group is undertaking weed control and revegetation activities, and track building and maintenance to improve access, amenity and overall biodiversity of these important riparian spaces.
Interested in Upper Kiewa Landcare?
Upper Kiewa Landcare Group welcomes all volunteers to come along to our regular working bees or meetings. With more than 40 members the group is inclusive, motivated and engaged and are committed to making a difference to the environment in the valley. Regular working bees followed by a social coffee break are held on a Saturday morning.
If you would like to have a chat, become involved or learn more about the project activities of the group please contact John Gibbons on email at: [email protected] or mobile 0407 520 542.
Junction Gully Walking trail bridge crossing
Junction Gully Walking trail bridge crossing
Junction gully walking trail, tree fern forest
Junction gully walking trail, tree fern forest
Junction gully walking trail, tree fern forest
Junction gully walking trail, tree fern forest on the walking track
Completing Planting on the Kiewa River
Completing a planting project on the Kiewa River in 2021
Walls of Blackberry Kiewa River
Blackberries were a big problem along the Kiewa East River, In many areas it was impossible to get to the river because of the blackberries.
Blackberry works Kiewa River
Blackberries were a big problem along the Kiewa East River, In many areas it was impossible to get to the river because of the blackberries.
Blackberry ready to burn
The Landmate team (Beechworth Correctional Service) did a terrific job clearing weeds and building a stream side walking path.
Upper Kiewa Landcare Boundaries
Upper Kiewa Landcare Boundaries
BBQ After Work
There was a BBQ with each Landmate working bee. Ian, Alan and Barb did a great job keeping the boys fed.