The Kergunyah Wetlands Project

This project began in 2011 with State funding celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Landcare in Victoria

 Project aims include:
- to enhance, promote and preserve the biodiverse flora and fauna at the site
- to revive & stimulate interest in Kergunyah/Gundowring Landcare,
- to improve access to the site, and to raise awareness of the value of wetlands

Prime conservation values of the Kergunyah wetland 

Kergunyah wetland is a significant area of native vegetation in this region. The vegetation communities have a Conservation Status of Endangered and Vulnerable and they provide habitat for at least three Victorian Rare or Threatened fauna species. The site covers approximately 2.65 ha and is in good condition with approximately 90% cover of native vegetation. Weed cover within native vegetation is less than 5% and most weeds can be easily and quickly controlled.

Victorian Rare or Threatened species:
Lewin's Rail ‐ Victorian Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Royal Spoonbill ‐ Victorian Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Great Egret ‐ Victorian Conservation Status Vulnerable

Other species of importance
The large Swamp Yabbies, Cherax rotundis, in a colony probably numbering thousands, are burrowed below the surface. This makes the site of significance as they are on the edge or just east, of their usual range of distribution. Their extensive burrows provide habitat for many amphibians, reptiles and invertebrates. The system of burrows also includes water storage and the chimneys provide aeration of the soil.

Kergunyah Wetlands Report   Ecolgoical survey & Management recommendations - 2012

Wetland Layout  Vegetation communities and tree locations - 2012


- Field Days and Working Bees (weed control and temporary path access)

- Freshwater Crayfish Information Night

- Indigenous Weaving Workshop (celebrating and promoting wetland plants) Film: 3.5 minutes