Yackandandah Creek Landcare conducts works and projects designed to enhance the Yackandandah Creek environment. Check out our Facebook site and join the group
Yackandandah Creek Landcare re-formed in 2015, covering Yackandandah and surrounds rural areas.
We are working with community groups including Yackandandah Sports Park Committee and user groups, Yackandandah Scouts and Kiewa Valley Landcare to improve local habitat.
Our work includes removing invasive weed species, planting trees and shrubs, enhancing connectivity, installing nest boxes and other activities that improve our local environment.
The Yackandandah Creek Landcare group has been successfully awarded Grants to control weeds, monitor wildlife and install seats and signs along the west side of Yackandandah Creek. The area extends from the new footbridge right up to the Yackandandah gorge. Currently, the area is full of dense blackberry, privet, young pines and gorse which we are spraying and cutting. There are remnants of native vegetation so we hope it will start to regenerate once we get on top of the weeds.
Exciting New Finds
Not all areas will be cleared as the great news is that our remote sensor camera trap has recorded images of long nosed bandicoots that require dense cover. The area is also frequented by sugar gliders, bats, wombats, wallabies, lots of birds and a fox (see our Facebook page for camera trap images).
If you visit the area you may notice some new nestboxes high up in trees. These are for bats, gliders, owls, and kookaburras. We are checking the boxes regularly with our pole camera to see if there are any occupants!
Our Partnerships
We are working with schools and community groups including Yackandandah Sports Park Committee and user groups, Yackandandah Scouts and Kiewa Catchment Landcare Network to improve local habitat.
Working bees are held every Friday 2pm to 4pm on site if you would like to contribute some time. If you would like to join the group or just get involved, you can go to our Facebook page- Yackandandah Creek Landcare or contact either Jo Millar on 0405040639 or Michelle Croker on 0477417445.
The group acknowledges grant and volunteer contributions from YCDCo, the Mens Shed, Indigo Shire, North East Catchment Management Authority and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.