Junction Creek Gully Tawonga - A project of Upper Kiewa Landcare
This project commenced in 2009 and is a partnership between Upper Kiewa Landcare Group, Friends of the Gully, NECMA (willow removal) and Alpine Shire. The project has enormous support from the Beechworth Correctional Centre Landmate team . The area is a steep gully and had many woody weeds. There were also community concerns over the fire hazard potential:
This creek area now has:
a pedestrian path and bridges for the length of the project area
increased biodiversity with 70 - 80 % native vegetation cover over the length of creek through planting, regeneration and selective weeding techniques
yabby holes, reports of platypus, Sooty and Powerful Owls
had an enormous amount of hard rubbish removed
minimised fire risk through plantings of grasses and ground covers and planting shrubs and trees in clumps
greatly improved storm water drainage delivery to the creek through Alpine Shire works
during floods of recent years, no erosion of the sides of the gully
ongoing community support through planting days and working bee
Best Community Project entry - Big Tree Competition 2013